Difference between latch and flip-flop

In this article we will learn about the difference between latch and flip flop and their types. We will know about what is basic difference between latch and flip-flop.

Difference between latch and flip-flop

difference between flip-flop and latch, what is difference betwen latch and flip-flop

Introduction of latch

A latch is an example of a bystable multi vibrator, that is, a device with exactly two stable states. These states are high-output and low-output.  A latch has a feedback path, so information can be retained by the device. Therefore, latches can be memory devices and be store one bit of data for as long as the device is powered. AS the name suggests, latches are used to “latch onto” information and hold in place. Latches are very similar to flip-flops, but are not synchronizes devices and do not operate on clock edges as flip-flop do.

Introduction of flip flop

difference between flip-flop and latch, what is difference betwen latch and flip-flop

A flip flop is a device  very similar to latch in that it is a bistable multi vibrator having two states and  a feedback path that allow it to store a bit of information. The difference between latch and flip-flop is that a latch is asynchronous and the outputs can change as soon as the input does (or at least after a small propagation delay). A flip-flop , on the other hand, is edge-triggered and only changes state when a control signal goes from high to low or low to high. This destination is relatively recent and is not formal, with many authorities still referring to flip-flops as latches and vice versa, but it is a helpful distinction to make for the sake of clarity.

Types of Flip-Flop

A flip flop can maintain in a binary state indefinitely until directed by an input signal to switch states. The most common types of flip flops are discussed below.

Hence it is the difference between latch and flip-flop. If you will find any incorrect above please comment below in comment box.

For knowing more about the difference between latch and flip-flop
