Transistor audio power amplifier

In this article we will know about the transistor audio power amplifier. We will also know about the voltage and power this article we will try to know that how a amplification
work or working of amplifier.

Transistor audio power amplifier

A practical amplifier always consists of a number of stages that amplify a weak signal until sufficient power is available to operate a loud speaker of their output device. The first few stages in this multistage amplifier have the function of only voltage amplification. However, the last stage is designed to provide maximum power. This final stage is known as power stage.
it is the circuit diagram of transistor audio power amplifier. which is shown below.

transistor audio power amplifier, difference between voltage and power amplifier, working of power amplifier
The term audio means the range of frequencies which our ears can hear. The range of human hearing extends from 20HZ to 20KHZ. Therefore, audio amplifiers amplify electrical signals that have a frequency range corresponding to the range of human hearing. The early stages build up the voltage level of the signal while the last stage builds up power to a level sufficient to operate the loudspeaker.

Transistor audio power amplifier

A transistor amplifier which raises the power level of the signal that has audio frequency range is known as transistor audio amplifier,
In general, the last stage of a multistage amplifier is the power stage. The power amplifier differs from all the previous stages in that here a concentrated effort is made to obtain maximum output power. A transistor that is suitable for power amplification is generally called a power transistor. It differs from other transistors in size; it is considerably larger to provide for handling the great amount of is main working of transistor audio power amplifier.

Difference between voltage and power amplifier

The distinction between voltage and power amplifier is somewhat artificial since useful power (that is product off voltage and current) is always developed in the load resistance through which current flows. The difference between the two types is really one of degree; it is a question of how much voltage and how much power. A voltage amplifier is designed to achieve maximum voltages amplification. It is, however, not important to raise the power level. On the other hand a power amplifier designed to obtain maximum output power.

Hence it is the transistor audio power amplifier if you find any incorrect in above article please comment below in comment box.