Types of single phase induction motor

In this article we will know about the types of single phase induction motor. We will know about the universal induction motor.

Types of single phase induction motor

Single phase induction motor construction is similar to poly phase induction motor except that
types of single phase induction motor, single phase induction motor types and application
1. Its stator is provided with a single phase winding
2. A centrifugal switch is used to cut out a winding for starting purpose.
It has distributed stator winding and squirrel cage rotor.
When fed from a single phase supply its stator winding produce a flux which is only alternating.
Types of single phase induction motor

1. Split phase induction motor

These stator of split phase induction motor is provided with an auxiliary winding S in adding to the main or moving winding M. the starting winding is at 90 degree from main winding M and operate only during the brief period when motor starts up. The S winding has high resistance and M winding has low resistance. So the current flowing through winding has reasonable phase difference. ( 25 to 30 degree).it is main types of single phase induction motor.

2. Capacitor start induction motor

In this motor winding has as many turns as M winding and a capacitor C is connected in series with the starting winding. The value of capacitor is so chosen that current in stator winding leads current in main winding by about 80 degree. These types of single phase induction motor are mainly used in domestic application.
types of single phase induction motor, single phase induction motor types and application
These are of following types:
1. Single voltage externally reversible type
2. Single voltage nonreversible type
3. Single voltage reversible with thermostat type
4. Two voltage nonreversible type
5. Two voltage reversible type
6. Single voltage instantly reversible type
7. Single voltage three lead reversible type
8. Two speed type single phase induction motor

3. Capacitor starts and run induction motor

This motor is similar to capacitor start motor except that the starting winding and capacitors are connected in the circuit all times. They are of two types:
·         Single value capacitor runs motor:
These motor start and run with one value of capacitance in the circuit.
·         Two value capacitor run motor:
This motor start with high value of capacitance but run with a low value of capacitance are known as two value motor.

4. Shaded pole motor

types of single phase induction motor, single phase induction motor types and application

These motor has salient poles on the stator excited by single phase supply and a squirrel cage rotor. A portion of each pole is surrounded by a short circuited turn of copper strip called shading coil.


Disadvantage of shaded pole induction motor

Universal induction motor

This motor operated either a direct or single phase A.C supply at approx... Same speed and output. It has starting torque and variable speed characteristics. It runs at high speed on no load.

They are of two types:


Method of speed control of universal motor

Unexcited single phase synchronous motor:

These motor operate from a single phase AC supply and runs at constant speed. These motor are also self-starting and no dc excision is necessary for their rotors. They are of two types
Hence these are main types of single phase induction motor if you will find any incorrect above you must comment below in comment box.

For knowing more about the types of single phase induction motor.
